Monday, July 23, 2012

Kobe Bryant the star when Team USA goes abroad

By The Associated Press, AOL

They carry cameras and microphones, sprinting toward Kobe Bryant like Christmas shoppers who just spotted the "it" gift sitting on shelves.
Their questions come quickly, some in English, many in Spanish, and Bryant gives the perfect answer every time.
Yes, Spain is an incredible team that can pose problems for the U.S.
No, Pau Gasol isn't getting traded from the Lakers as long as he is there.
The only thing Bryant can't seem to explain to reporters is why he's so much more popular than his teammates on the Olympic basketball team.
"I don't know. I don't know where it comes from or how that happens," he said Saturday with a laugh. "It all started with the Dream Team in terms of basketball becoming so global. When I came into the NBA, I kind of inherited kind of the globalization of the game, and then having grown up overseas they really kind of laid claim to me because this is where I learned how to play the game, is overseas."

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