Thursday, August 2, 2012

Team USA: Kobe Bryant Set The Stage For A Record Breaking Performance

By Joshua Casey, Rant Sports

If you missed the Team USA Men’s Basketball game against Nigeria today you didn’t miss much. The USA men’s team won 156-73, yes that is not a typo, a record breaking winning margin of 83 points, and the highest scoring game in Olympic history. So after viewing a game like this there is no real way to pinpoint one player and state that he was the main reason his team won. The US could have played with 4 guys today and they still probably would have won.

But one player, who only played eleven minutes, did send a very loud message early. Kobe Bryant, of the Los Angeles Lakers, came out early and set the tone for what would be a dominant performance for the best men’s basketball team in the world. Midway through the first quarter Kobe had 14 points, meanwhile the entire Nigerian team had 10. Outscoring an entire team for about eight minutes is not too bad.

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