Thursday, August 9, 2012

Kobe Bryant solidifies his place in Coach K's heart with Australia performance

It’s no secret that Team USA coach Mike Krzyzewski has a soft spot in his heart when it comes toKobe Bryant. The feeling is mutual.

Krzyzewski has known Bryant for almost two decades, after all, and though Bryant blazed a trail by skipping college and going directly to the NBA back in 1996, had he gone to school, it would have been at Duke. And back in 2004, when the Lakers were reeling after the departure of Phil Jackson, it was Bryant who pushed the franchise to make a lucrative offer to Krzyzewski, who ultimately decided to stay in Durham.

Having finally been able to work together under the auspices of Team USA in the 2008 Olympics and again now in ’12, the two have confirmed what they sort of knew all along—they have a lot in common.

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